With spring just about to um....spring, and the heart of mud season just around the corner, our mud maintenance tips should certainly provide a good starting point to get your mud rig ready to roll. In a perfect world, It's a good idea to do most of these after every serious mud ride. However, in the event that your ATV/UTV maintenance schedule happens only as often as Donald Trump apologizes, you've got some work to do buddy! With much of the northern and high altitude parts of the country about to head into a mud-inducing spring thaw, do yourself a favor and pamper your machine by checking the box on them all.

Bath Time:

Dielectric grease:

Change Engine Oil and Filter:

CVT Service:

New Grips:

Unspool, Inspect, and Spool Winch:

Service Disk Brakes:

Service Air Filter and Airbox:

Grease it Baby:

Inspect CV Boots:

Inspect Bearings, Bushings:

Check Tires:


Flush Radiator Fins: