Best Hunting Gadgets for your ATV or UTV

Buyer's Guide

Best Hunting Gadgets for your ATV or UTV.ATV Rider

I was never much into sci-fi and the Star Wars scene as many kids were. Instead, growing up I was more likely to be found playing sports or tearing it up outside somewhere. Hunting with my Dad was a fun activity, but we did it old-school style. We walked 117 miles a day in three feet of snow, uphill both ways in Arctic temperatures with no food or water breaks....or at least that's how it sometimes felt. Nowadays, I guess I'm sort of a "gentleman hunter", caught doing it somewhere between the way I hunted as a kid, but steering very clear of falling into the pretentiousness of the reality "hunting" shows.

If huntin' is your thang....then huntin' with your trusty ATV or UTV has to be an even greater thang! For me, the art of the hunt is the most important thing. That connection with nature is primitive, natural, and well....manly I suppose. However, being able to hunt using an ATV or UTV that allows you to experience the hunt and check off all of the caveman boxes, while also utilizing all of the latest cool, off-road friendly hunting gadgets to feed your nerdy side is priceless. Check out our list of the greatest Hunting Gadgets for your ATV or UTV.

QuadBoss XT HandMitts ($50):

The first thing to get cold when I'm hunting are my fingers. Riding an ATV with cold fingers can be a real issue. QuadBoss's XT Handmitts keep your fingers toasty and dry, which should prolong your day in the wild.ATV Rider

Warn Winch (Starting at $205):

You never know when you're gonna need a winch. But when you do, I can guarantee it'll be at the most innopertune time. From dragging a deer out of a precarious situation, dragging downed trees off the trail, or dragging yourself from a bottom-less mud hole, a winch can be your best hunting pal.ATV Rider

StrongMade Drop Basket Rack ($245):

If you're into feeding the critters on your property, the ability to carry five gallon buckets of feed is a must. The StrongMade Basket rack is designed to do just that. Plus, it's beefy design is made right here in the USA.ATV Rider

QuadBoss UTV Cab Heater ($540-$760):

If you're a delicate flower like myself, the cold can really get to you. Available for most popular UTV's, QuadBoss' cab heater is so hot it's cool!ATV Rider

Ogio Honcho Front Bag ($180):

I've used an Ogio Honcho on the front rack for years. It's excellent for carrying just about anything you could ever need, from rope to lunch to an extra jacket. The top pocket is also excellent for safely storying a hand gun case.ATV Rider

Kolpin Stronghold and Gun Scabbard:

Being able to put your rifle in a scabbard is incredibly useful. Being able to quickly attach/detach said scabbard is even more impressive. The Kolpin Stronghold makes this process simple, quick, and effective.ATV Rider

Kolpin Stealth ATV Exhaust ($158):

Sneaking up on furry creatures with good hearing is tough, especially if you have a noisy ATV or UTV. Kolpin's Stealth exhaust reduces noise decibels by up to 50%, and works with nearly every four-stroke ATV or UTV. As long as the creatures can't smell your body stench or bad breath, you might just get lucky.ATV Rider

Hook-A-Rack ($575):

If you've bagged a whopper and you have no friends, the Hook-A-Rack could become your Bestie! Engineered to pickup and carry even the largest woodland creatures, it takes the back breaking work out of lifting and dragging your trophy back to camp.ATV Rider

Hunting Dog Box ($-varies):

The only hunting my chocolate lab Louie does is for food he's not supposed to eat and new places to lick or scratch himself. However, some dogs are actually great hunting companions. Creative Dog Boxes make just about the coolest and most custom dog boxes I've ever come across.ATV Rider

BowKaddy ($175):

If bow hunting is your thing, and you live in a state where you can hunt from an ATV or UTV, the BowKaddy is a slam dunk option. We've used one to tote both a bow and a crossbow and found it to be incredibly useful.ATV Rider
Best Hunting Gadgets for your ATV or UTV.ATV Rider