Moab Residents Begin to Clean Up After Saturday’s Flood

Flash floods Saturday night caused water and debris to block roads, homes, and businesses.

The three-hour storm flooded Main Street and the surrounding area, blocking businesses and homes.City of Moab

After Saturday’s storm in Moab, Utah, residents of the off-road destination have begun to clean up the debris left behind. Moab’s mayor declared a state of emergency, and as of right now all Moab trails, street entrances, and bridges are closed for cleanup.

Residents witnessed mud, boulders, trees, and other debris flow through Main Street as businesses and homes in the area were flooded. Michael Miller, owner of Dewey’s Restaurant and Bar, claimed that at one point, there was at least 5 feet of water pushing on his building’s back door. When the three-hour storm finally passed, many residents stayed overnight to help pick up debris from the street. Many homeowners and businesses are still without fresh water and remain under a boil order.

The community is currently shoveling layers of mud from the streets, aiming to get Moab cleaned up before Labor Day in preparation for autumn off-roaders who want to visit the destination.

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