Ever pushing the limits, Tesla has launched its first Cyberquad all-electric ATV. We hoped it would be the full-size machine that debuted with the Cybertruck, but this one is a bit smaller. Kid-sized, in fact. The first Tesla ATV is the Cyberquad for Kids.
Although not the model we looked for, it’s exciting nonetheless. As with all Teslas, the baby Cyberquad is fully electric. It boasts a lithium-ion battery that offers up to 15 miles of range. That’s enough to get around the yard or farm, but not exactly worthy of a trail ride or even a few days’ worth of use. The top speed is configurable but limited to 10 mph, in line with the low-tier numbers the machine offers. Tesla’s site states the Cyberquad for Kids has a steel frame, adjustable suspension, rear disc brakes, LED light bars, and a cushioned seat. If only the range was up to the rest of the details.
The youth Cyberquad is meant for riders eight years old and up. We know children and people who have never before been in the ATV hobby but are Tesla fans will be deeply intrigued by the kids’ Cyberquad, and that’s good enough for us. It carries a palatable retail price of $1,900 but it’s already sold out, so if nothing else, we hope it inspires Tesla to follow through on building the full-size electric sport ATV it promised.